Minggu, 06 Oktober 2019

Opening Ceremony

Opening Ceremony at Central Bicol State University of Agriculture

Cheerful Monday,guyss my activity today was Opening Ceremony of the SEA-Teacher Project in the
CBSUA hall with all delegations from Indonesia, okay let me introduce my friends delegation of
SEA-Teacher Project from another campuses in Indonesia. 14students from 6 universities include :
University of Muria Kudus :
Wahyu Chandra, 4th year Elementary Education Program
University of PGRI Semarang :
Ajid Bagus, 4th year Elementary Education Program
Aditya, 4th year Elementary Education Program
Harmudi, 4th year English Education Program
Farid Al-Mu’Arief,  4th year English Education Program
Syiah Kuala University : Nadiatun Firda, 4th year Biology Education Program
Nida Ulkhaira, 4th year Biology Education Program
Geubrina Rahmatan, 4th year Biology Education Program
Lina Ratna, 4th year Biology Education Program
University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara :
Rezi Zulfahmi, 4th year English Education Program
Nurul Muthi’ah, 4th year English Education Program
University of Kanjuruhan Malang:
Meldiana Ayu Rastanty, 4th year English Education Program
Vincentius Erhan, 4th year English Education Program
University of Muhammadiyah Prof Dr.Hamka :
Kharismatika Budi Nurani, 4th year Elementary Education Program
Before Opening Ceremony we have Flag Ceremony with all the students, teachers, lectures and staff.
This was a moment after Flag Ceremony in front of CBSUA.

The President of Central Bicol State University of Agriculture Dr. Alberto N Naperi give
the opening speech in the Opening Ceremony SEA-Teacher Project in Auditorium Campus
Photo Session with the
President Campus, Dean, All the Teachers, Lectures and Staff and  Students at CBSUA

That moment when we studied about Filipino language with Dr. Lourdes S. Bascuna
in Sentro Ng Wika at Kultura SWK-CBSUA

She taught us about the basic of tagalog language and Bicol language as local language
in Pili Camarines Sur Province. I felt so happy and it was Interest to studied Tagalog language
and Bicol language here, Literally added my knowledge and I got big experiences.

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